VA Cash Out Refinancing

VA Refinancing with The Cash Out Option

VA cash out refinance gives veterans an opportunity to cash-out on the equity that has been accrued or built-up in their home. Veterans are able to receive cash out funds and do whatever they want to do with the money. The VA allows this in order to financially support the buying of a home in a time of need, such as providing college funds for their children.

Qualifying For The VA Cash Out

In order to qualify for VA cash out refinance, you must first have an appraisal done on your home. The VA will also charge a 3% funding fee, unless you are exempt from this fee. Many times this can be rolled into the loan amount. There is actually no specific amount of time that a homeowner must have their current loan, in order to take advantage of the VA cash-out program, but there must be some equity built up in the home.

Cash Out Can Get You Up To 90 Percent Of Value.

Homeowners may cash-out as much as 90% of their current appraised value. Keep in mind; this does include the closing costs. VA cash out refinance is not the same as a streamline refinance. There are quite a few do not get the two confused.

How Much Equity Does A Veteran Need?

In order to benefit from the VA cash out refinance, you must simply have sufficient equity in your home. At some point in a veteran’s life, they may need extra cash to take care of medical bills, college for their children or grandchildren or for emergencies. Cash out refinances are a much more logical way to get the money you need without having to pay high monthly payments on a loan.

Veteran’s Home Appraisal?

To get cash out refinance, your home must be appraised. Once again your VA Loan report will be reviewed. You must also occupy the home and may not have accrued any late payments in the last twelve months. Obtaining cash out refinance requires following guidelines that may be stricter then that of the VA loan process. Remember this is only for veterans who are using their equity to take cash out.

Veteran’s Home Appraisal

VA cash out refinance is just another way the VA is lending a helping hand to you. The VA is considering the difficulties vets may face and want to help you to succeed. Once equity has increased in your home, take advantage of the cash out program in order to prevent the high costs of short-term loans.


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A division of Belem Servicing LLC DBA Patriot Home Mortgage
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